Call Center - Report Abbreviations and Definitions

Dialed Number Statistics (DNIS)
Call Volume (VOL) | Total number of calls per queue, including calls that never made it all the way through the Auto Attendant. |
Calls Handled (CH) | Total number of calls per queue that were answered. |
Calls Offered (CO) | Total number of calls the entered the queue. |
Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) | (Calls Offered) / (Calls abandoned in <10 seconds) |
Voicemail (VM) | Total number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system. |
Forward (FWD) | Total number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling. |
Avg Talk Time (ATT) | The Average Time agent spent talking to customers (not including hold time). |
Avg Hold Time (AH) | Average time that a customer was on hold (Doesn’t include time in the queue). |
Service Level (SL) | Percentage of calls answered from the queue wiithin 60 seconds. Other time windows available. |
Percent Dial Transfers (DT) | Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were eventually transferred out to an agent. |
Abandoned Calls (AC) | The number of calls that hung up while in queue (before being transferred out to an agent). |
Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) | The number of calls abandoned in under 10 seconds. |
Abandon Rate (AR) | The ratio of (Abandoned Calls)/(Calls Offered) |
Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR) | The ratio of (Adjusted Abandoned Calls)/(Adjusted Calls Offered) |
Avg Handle Time (AHT) | Mathematical Average of: Talk Time + Hold Time + Disposition Time |
Avg Answer Speed (AAS) | Average time in the queue for calls that were eventually dispatched to an agent. |
Agent Availability
Logged In (LI) | Number of hours the Agent logged-in over the time span. |
Available (AM) | Number of total minutes spent in the Available state. |
Unavailable (UM) | Number of total minutes spent in the Unavailable state. |
Lunch (L) | Number of total minutes spent in the Lunch state. |
Break (B) | Number of total minutes spent in the Break state. |
Meeting (M) | Number of total minutes spent in the Meeting state. |
Other (O) | Number of total minutes spent in the Other state. |
Web (W) | Number of total minutes spent in the Web state. |
Queue Statistics
Volume (VOL) | Total number of calls per queue, including calls that never made it all the way through the Auto Attendant. |
Call Handled (CH) | Total number of calls per queue that were answered. |
Calls Offered (CO) | Total number of calls the entered the queue. |
Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) | (Calls Offered) / (Calls abandoned in <10 seconds) |
Voicemail (VM) | Total number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system. |
Forward (FWD) | Total number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling. |
Avg Talk Time (ATT) | The Average Time agent spent talking to customers (not including hold time). |
Avg Hold Time (AH) | Average time that a customer was on hold (Doesn’t include time in the queue). |
Service Level (SL) | Percentage of calls answered from the queue within 60 seconds. Other time windows available. |
Percent Dial Transfers (DT) | Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were eventually transferred out to an agent. |
Abandoned Calls (AC) | The number of calls that hung up while in queue (before being transferred out to an agent). |
Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) | The number of calls abandoned in under 10 seconds. |
Abandon Rate (AR) | The ratio of (Abandoned Calls)/(Calls Offered) |
Adjusted Abandoned Rate (AAR) | The ratio of (Adjusted Abandoned Calls)/(Adjusted Calls Offered) |
Avg Handle Time (AHT) | Mathematical Average of: Talk Time + Hold Time + Disposition Time |
Avg Answer Speed (AAS) | Average time in the queue for calls that were eventually dispatched to an agent. |
Home Screen
CW | Calls Waiting |
AWT | Avg Wait Time |
AHT | Avg Handling Time |
ABN | Abandon Rate |
CA | Calls Answered |
CV | Call Volume |
If you need any assistance or have any questions, simply dial 611 from your LineOne phone or call 337-417-9020
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