LineOne™ Support Center

Call Center - Report Abbreviations and Definitions

Dialed Number Statistics (DNIS)

Call Volume (VOL)

Total number of calls per queue, including calls that never made it all the way through the Auto Attendant.

Calls Handled (CH)

Total number of calls per queue that were answered.

Calls Offered (CO)

Total number of calls the entered the queue.

Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO)

(Calls Offered) / (Calls abandoned in <10 seconds)

Voicemail (VM)

Total number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system.

Forward (FWD)

Total number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling.

Avg Talk Time (ATT)

The Average Time agent spent talking to customers (not including hold time).

Avg Hold Time (AH)

Average time that a customer was on hold (Doesn’t include time in the queue).

Service Level (SL)

Percentage of calls answered from the queue wiithin 60 seconds. Other time windows available.

Percent Dial Transfers (DT)

Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were eventually transferred out to an agent.

Abandoned Calls (AC)

The number of calls that hung up while in queue (before being transferred out to an agent).

Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC)

The number of calls abandoned in under 10 seconds.

Abandon Rate (AR)

The ratio of (Abandoned Calls)/(Calls Offered)

Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR)

The ratio of (Adjusted Abandoned Calls)/(Adjusted Calls Offered)

Avg Handle Time (AHT)

Mathematical Average of: Talk Time + Hold Time + Disposition Time

Avg Answer Speed (AAS)

Average time in the queue for calls that were eventually dispatched to an agent.


Agent Availability

Logged In (LI)

Number of hours the Agent logged-in over the time span.

Available (AM)

Number of total minutes spent in the Available state.

Unavailable (UM)

Number of total minutes spent in the Unavailable state.

Lunch (L)

Number of total minutes spent in the Lunch state.

Break (B)

Number of total minutes spent in the Break state.

Meeting (M)

Number of total minutes spent in the Meeting state.

Other (O)

Number of total minutes spent in the Other state.

Web (W)

Number of total minutes spent in the Web state.


Queue Statistics

Volume (VOL)

Total number of calls per queue, including calls that never made it all the way through the Auto Attendant.

Call Handled (CH)

Total number of calls per queue that were answered.

Calls Offered (CO)

Total number of calls the entered the queue.

Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO)

(Calls Offered) / (Calls abandoned in <10 seconds)

Voicemail (VM)

Total number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system.

Forward (FWD)

Total number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling.

Avg Talk Time (ATT)

The Average Time agent spent talking to customers (not including hold time).

Avg Hold Time (AH)

Average time that a customer was on hold (Doesn’t include time in the queue).

Service Level (SL)

Percentage of calls answered from the queue within 60 seconds. Other time windows available.

Percent Dial Transfers (DT)

Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were eventually transferred out to an agent.

Abandoned Calls (AC)

The number of calls that hung up while in queue (before being transferred out to an agent).

Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC)

The number of calls abandoned in under 10 seconds.

Abandon Rate (AR)

The ratio of (Abandoned Calls)/(Calls Offered)

Adjusted Abandoned Rate (AAR)

The ratio of (Adjusted Abandoned Calls)/(Adjusted Calls Offered)

Avg Handle Time (AHT)

Mathematical Average of: Talk Time + Hold Time + Disposition Time

Avg Answer Speed (AAS)

Average time in the queue for calls that were eventually dispatched to an agent.


Home Screen



Calls Waiting


Avg Wait Time


Avg Handling Time


Abandon Rate


Calls Answered


Call Volume


If you need any assistance or have any questions, simply dial 611 from your LineOne phone or call 337-417-9020

You can also email us at Support@Line.One or visit us at http://Line.One/Support