LineOne™ Support Center

How To: Instant Fax Portal

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To access the LineOne Instant Fax Portal, go to

Login Name: FAX-NUMBER@YOURDOMAIN (If you are not sure what your Instant Fax Portal login is, please check with your local admin or contact LineOne Support)

(Not all customers have access to Instant Fax Portal.  If you are interested in adding this service, please contact LineOne support - Support@Line.One)

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To view or send a fax, click on the Fax icon in the menu bar.

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From here you can toggle between your Inbox (received faxes) and Sent items


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To send a fax, click the Send Fax button to open up the Send Fax window

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Step by Step Instructions to Send a Fax:

  1. Click the Send Fax button.
  2. Choose the appropriate Cover Page option:
    1. None
    2. Compose - This option will allow you to enter the text that will be sent as a cover page.
    3. File - This option will allow you to choose a file which will be sent as a cover page. The system accepts the following files formats for the cover page: html; pdf; doc; docx; jpg; png; odt.
  3. Choose a file to be faxed. The system accepts the following files formats for the fax document: html; pdf; doc; docx; jpg; png; odt.
  4. Select the Caller ID number that you wish to appear on the outbound fax.
  5. Enter the phone number of the fax recipient in the Phone Number field. 10 or 11 digit phone numbers are accepted but not 7 digits.
  6. Click the Send button
  7. When the fax is accepted by the Fax Server, a notification message will be displayed. 

Instant Fax Caller ID

When sending an outbound fax, you will be allowed to choose any DID that has been configured as Instant Fax Portal as the Fax CallerID that is already routed to the portal user.

If there is no Instant Fax Portal configured DID currently routed to the portal user, then the system will use 0000000000

as the Caller ID for outbound faxes.


Checking Status

You can check the status of your outbound fax by clicking the Sent items

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If you need any assistance or have any questions, simply dial 611 from your LineOne phone or call 337-417-9020

You can also email us at Support@Line.One or visit us at http://Line.One/Support